Thursday, April 25, 2019

Linguistic Commentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Linguistic Commentary - bear witness ExampleAs Professor Christopher John Poutain (2005) explains it, there can be three types of linguistic refreshing variations Acceptability may vary with a number of factors, including place (DIATOPIC variation), social root (DIASTRATIC variation) or prison term (DIACHRONIC variation). In the present case, we have a diastratic variation as the boss represents a social group a lot different from the workers group. We can see that their Spanish is quite different even though they seem to understand each other very well. As we know, the concept of linguistic competence instrument in pragmatic terms that there is no register better than others as long as communication is established among them.In this fragment we can abide by a great difference surrounded by the boss Spanish and the workers Spanish. Spanish is a language of constant changes as Professor John M. Lipski (n. d.) stated in matchless of his papers Spanish -a language spoken on ever y continent- is the product not all of its Peninsular heritage and of internal evolution, but also of a variety of language contacts, with indigenous languages, languages of oblige immigration (the slave trade), and of voluntary immigration. The present fragment is a good example of the many changes that Spanish has experienced along the years.Another distinctive feature of this fragment is the vocalization and th... The boss also uses whatever of this broken Spanish words when he changes his register. An interesting feature is the pejorative language used by the administrator rotos de michica (l. 7), fuerino sinvergenza (l. 17), sinvergenzas (l. 18). As he is mad, he uses this kind of language as a way of acquire even on the workers. On the other hand, the use of colons speeds up the narrative in line of descents 25, 26 and 27. The bank clerk is omniscient. It is narrated in the third person singular. The register of the narrators speech is standard Spanish. In lines 20 and 2 1 the yarn is very agile como un mvil punto obscuro que alejndose se empequeeca. It is also very graphic as we can see the teeny-weeny dot getting smaller with the precise wording of the narrator. This fragment has two distinct parts one narrative part and one dialogues part. The narration is very concise and explanatory as it gives interesting inside information of the motives behind the dialogues. It is also very descriptive, especially when it says in lines 12-14 the following hablaba ahora a Segundo, que entontecido por su mirada roja de ira, con movimiento de pndulo mova acompasadamente el cuerpo. In these lines we can see the use of a very appropriate metaphor pendulums front, when referring to the oscillating movement of Segundos body. The narrator also makes emphasis on the petulance of the administrator. He says that his glance was red by the wrath (l. 13), and this image is very graphic and quite appropriate to describe the mood of the boss. But it is relevant to note that there is a change in the color of his glance due to the same wrath. In line 13 it is red,

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